


发布日期:2024-06-27  浏览次数:404



On June 26, Yuanchen Technology was invited to participate in the 25th China International Cement Industry Exhibition. Our company brought two main products: high-end dust removal filter materials and DeNOx catalyst to the exhibition, and brought complete solutions for flue gas treatment, in order to contribute more wisdom to the environmental protection innovation of the cement industry.




As the most large-scale and influential annual event in the cement industry, this exhibition aims to present the cutting-edge technology and equipment in the industry and deepen exchanges and cooperation. As a front runner in the environmental protection industry, Yuanchen Technology exhibited the latest research results and cutting-edge technologies of the company, especially the AI intelligent carbon system, which attracted keen interest from domestic and foreign professional audience.




Relying on powerful technological innovation strength and strict product quality control systems, on the first day of the exhibition, the booth of Yuanchen Technology attracted so many visitors, only in 1 day, we received many friends and industry experts from all over the world, the audience expressed positive interest in Yuanchen Technology’s new technology, new equipment, new solutions, and discussed the future direction of smart environmental protection together.




At present, Yuanchen Technology is constantly accelerating the speed of "going to sea" and continuing to make efforts in the field of "AI+ environmental protection", while laying out the international market and expanding overseas territory, actively leading the technological innovation and industrial reform of the environmental protection industry. Taking the precious opportunity of the cement industry event, Yuanchen Technology will continue to expand exchanges and cooperation with domestic and foreign friends, focus on the field of intelligent environmental protection, promote the environmental protection work of the cement industry to continuously achieve the goal of carbon reduction, energy saving and consumption reduction, and inject strong impetus for the development of new quality productivity.